Executive Directors
Kyriacos Christodoulou

Nomination and Selection of the Board of Directors

Independence Criteria
In light of the above, the Bank acts in compliance with and adopts the independence criteria for the members of the Board of Directors included in paragraph 16 of the Directive to Authorised Credit Institutions on the Assessment of the Suitability of Members of the Management Body and Key Function Holders of 2020.

The above arrangements comply with the following principles:
- The Board has overall responsibility for the Bank and approves and oversees the implementation of the Bank’s strategic objectives, risk strategy and internal governance
- The Board ensures the integrity of the accounting and financial reporting systems, including financial and operational controls and compliance with the law and relevant standards
- The Board oversees the process of disclosure and communications
- The Board is responsible for providing effective oversight of senior management
The Board monitors and periodically assesses the effectiveness of the Bank’s governance arrangements and takes appropriate steps to address any deficiencies.
The composition and the Terms of Reference of the committees of the Board comply with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The Board Committees meet frequently and exercise the powers, authorities and discretions given by the Board. Click on the titles below to learn more about the duties of the committees.
Audit Committee
Chairperson: Alexandra Spyrou
Members: Demetra Plati | Polina Antoniou
- The members of the Committee do not perform any executive function in the Bank
- The chairperson of the Committee is independent
- Committee meetings are held on a quarterly basis
The duties of the Committee include:
- The monitoring and assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control and information systems
- Acting as a liaison with external auditors particularly in relation to their audit findings
- The oversight that Senior Management takes the necessary corrective actions in a timely manner to address control weaknesses, non-compliance with policies, laws and regulations and other weaknesses identified by external auditors, the internal audit and the compliance functions as well as the supervisory authorities
- The monitoring of the establishment of accounting policies and practices and of the financial reporting process
Risk Committee
Chairperson: Charis Charalambous
Members: Alexandra Spyrou | Doros Loizides
- The members of the Committee do not perform any executive function in the Bank
- The Committee oversees the areas of Market Risk, Liquidity risk, Credit and Counterparty Risk, Operational Risk, Concentration Risk, Funding and Leverage, and Capital Adequacy
The duties of the Committee include:
- Advising the Board on the Bank’s overall current and future risk appetite and strategy taking
- Assisting the Board in overseeing the effective implementation of the risk strategy by senior management
- Submitting to the Board proposals and recommendations for corrective action, whenever weaknesses are identified
- Advising the Board on the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management framework
Remuneration and Nominations Committee
Chairperson: Doros Loizides
Members: Demetra Plati | Charis Charalambous
- The members of the Committee do not perform any executive function in the Bank
- The Bank has combined the Nomination and the Remuneration Committees
The duties of the Committee include:
- The preparation of suggestions regarding remuneration, taking into account the long-term interest of shareholders, investors and other stakeholders
- Identifying and recommending, for the approval of the Board or for approval of the general meeting, candidates to fill Board vacancies, evaluating the balance of knowledge, skills, diversity and experience of the Board
- Reviewing the policy of the Board for selection, development, appointment and replacement of senior management and heads of internal control functions and making appropriate recommendations to the Board
Company Secretary
Company Secretary: Sofia Kontou
Ancoria Bank has appointed a Company Secretary in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Law.
The duties of the Company Secretary include:
- Facilitating the functioning of the Board. This includes minutes taking and distribution, access to independent advice to non-executive Directors and ensuring adequate information flows within the Board, its Committees, Senior Management, and Internal Control functions
- Facilitating the induction, development and evaluation of Directors. This includes assistance of the chairperson in assessing and meeting the training needs of members of the Board and ensuring that there is an ongoing programme to keep Directors well informed of developments in Ancoria Bank and in respect of matters relevant to their responsibilities in general