
Ancoria Bank is awarded the certification of participation in the Business Integrity Forum.

19 Nov, 2019

Ancoria Bank is awarded the certification of participation in the Business Integrity Forum (BIF) set up in Cyprus by the Cyprus Integrity Forum (CIF).

At a ceremony held on November 18, 2019 at Ancoria Bank headquarters in Nicosia, Ancoria Bank’s CEO, Mr. Yiannis Loizou received the Certificate of Participation from the CIF’s Chairman, Mr. Mario Scandalis.

At the ceremony, Mr. Loizou said, ‘Ancoria Bank Ltd’s participation in the BIF is a credited recognition for the Bank, as it gives acknowledgement to the efforts being made to promote transparency and integrity through the Bank’s procedures and policies. Transparency, commitment, honesty and integrity are among the most fundamental values of the organisation. Through this cooperation we would like to support the Forum’s work to fight corruption through the various programmes and lectures organised for informing the public accurately’.

The Business Integrity Forum is a network of companies that aims to promote collaboration among its members who want to achieve the highest possible levels of business integrity through dialogue and exchange of views on issues that promote transparency and responsibility. Members of the programme are companies that have been evaluated for implementing good anti-corruption practices.